2. Matera DeFi platform

An open ecosystem to trade social capital for liquidity

The Matera DeFi platform provides creators an opportunity to convert their Matera Points into liquidity, from MATR token to other tokens like USDT.

  1. Staking

Section 1. Matera Protocol shows that creators are incentivized to have fans stake on their behalf, to grow their share of rewards. To attract stakers, creators pass back some of the rewards (similar to yield).

More information will be released on the staking, and how creators can attract stakers, over the coming months.

  1. Boosting

Creators can incentivize staking by 'boosting' their account, by transferring tokens to their Matera account. Similar to a ‘marketing budget’, the Creator can set the distribution of tokens between:

  • End users (the ‘fans’) as an incentive for engaging with the content (for example: 1 token per Like)

  • Stakers as a yield boost to incentivize further staking (for example: 2x boost for next 3 days)

  • Liquidity pools for future trading.

Incentivizing the audience and stakers indirectly contributes to increasing the creator’s rewards. Therefore, Boosting can be seen as paid marketing in web2, but without the middle man as rewards are paid directly to users contributing to grow the profile. This prevents the platform from increasing fees, throttling reach, shadowbanning users or changing the distribution algorithm. We endeavor to prove that it is much cheaper to grow your profile using Matera liquidity boost than via traditional web2 advertising.

Creators can also use their treasuries as ways to raise capital to fund their project. Sponsors, brands or patreons can support creators directly this way by depositing liquidities in the treasury. Matera has an escrow function that enables the release of liquidity upon specific conditions, enabling various DeFi applications to be built on top of the Creator treasury, from crowdfunding to loans.

  1. Liquidity

Rewards are originally paid to creators in MATR tokens. Creators who want to convert it into other currencies can use our Liquidity pools to do so. Initially, we are setting up the main pool MATR-USDT. By providing the pair to the pool, users are rewarded with LP tokens to the proportion of their investment. This LP token is called COMBO and has specific utility in the Matera ecosystem (see Business Model section).

LP token holders are rewarded with fees from the liquidity pools. Eventually, we will partner with other projects and liquidity providers to create custom pools and bring more liquidity to the creator economy.

For web2 creators who just want to cash out, off-ramp applications can be built to abstract the token entirely.

Last updated